Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A Birthday

Last Saturday the family celebrated Lily's birthday. She's 4!!! I don't have many clever things to write, so there isn't much text for this post. Sorry!

Before we had cake, mom entertained the kids (as usual) by blowing up balloons. I'm sure she nearly passed out a couple of times . . . So there she blows (!), while Ezra and Carson look on.

For a while, it was balloon madness!

Here's the birthday girl:

Whoa, let's zoom in on that cake!!! It was so gooooood.

Summer hung a Care Bear pinata. FUN! The kids watched as she demonstrated how one hits such an object. (I'd like to point out here that the creation of the pinata was a crazy good idea. Incidentally, I'm really T-O'ed right now that there isn't a tilde feature on Blogger . . .)

In hitting order: Macy, Ezra, Lily, Carson, and Dylan

Despite their efforts, they could not get the candy out. So they pulled the strings at the bottom (which, also incidentally, I did not know pinatas had).

The kids came down from their sugar high by watching Lily open her presents. Instead of documenting that event, though, I wanted to post my favorite pics on here -- the random shots of the fam.'

Here we see that Macy cannot be content with one sucker:

Here's the perfect daddy/daughter picture:

Or maybe this is the perfect daddy/daughter picture:

This is Angela and her new baby. (I know she'd probably hurt me really bad if she knew this picture was on here, but I don't care because she's GORGEOUS . . . and I think she knows it.)

I like this picture because in it, I'm holding my spittin' image.

Here's my dad. I think this is his best shirt (and mom, you picked it out!).

This is Stewart and Amy, Clay's sister. What a handsome couple!

And finally, Clay and Amy. Those beautiful Woods -- they all got great tan skin. Ahhh, if only pale skin was still the fashion!


Blogger Lauren said...

Hey! :
-- I didn't know the Rebers have a new baby!
-- I can't believe Lily's already 4!
-- I know that Stuart Cook kid!
-- You look thinner, Sara!

9:26 AM  

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