Speaking in Emoticons
One day at work, I spent about 10 minutes sending instant messages to my mom and then my 4 year-old niece, Lily. Lily is SO smart. She's only four, and she was sending me messages. My mom helped her spell some things, and Lily typed the letters. But then I sent her a smiley emoticon, and she just took off! My mom said she sent them by herself. Yes, they're only emoticons, but how cute is that?!? So, the messages went something like this:
Sara says:
Lily says:
Sara says:
Lily says:
Sara says:
Lily says:
Sara says:
Lily says:
I guess you get the point. But isn't that the greatest conversation you've seen in forever? Forevah Evah? What if we all spoke in emoticons. Like instead of saying "I love you," you would just say "Heart." And the other person would say, "Smile." Or if you wanted to say "Call me," you would just say "phone." And the other person could be like, "wink." I think I would love it. So a conversation would go like this:
Boy: "Sun."
Girl: "Happy face."
Boy: "Flower."
Girl: "Blush."
Boy: "Kiss."
Girl: "Blush."
Boy: "Heart."
Girl: "Look of surprise."
Boy: "Phone."
Girl: "Smile."
Boy: "Wink."
As you can see, emoticons mainly work well for romantic/love relationships. Or really, any extreme emotion. What happens when someone's pretty even-tempered, like me? I would never have anything to say.
Thing I'm thankful for: My smart little niece.
^_^ :o\ :^) @_@ ;_; :-$ ^^;
Love Heart Lily Sara
Love Heart Lily Sara
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