Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Mansion? No, thanks.

In Christian scripture, the reward for a life well-lived is often symbolized by a mansion in heaven. The Lord himself says, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." (See John 14:2.)

That's all well and good as a metaphor. But even as a metaphor, it still doesn't fit my taste. I'd rather have a cottage with lots of trees and a lovely garden than a huge house built from cold marble. Just look at the image results for a Google search of "mansion." Here, I'll post the most disgustingly immodest homes:

To be sure, mansions are beautiful, but I wouldn't want to live in one. I'd rather have something much smaller and cozy, like these:

Granted, that last one is a bit large, but I love the porch! Porches are important to have around when it rains. And that bungalow (third image) is the most perfect little house! Good grief––I really did find some of the best houses on the internet. I have great taste.

So. If I am ever able to cash in on a reward in heaven, I'll be showing God these pictures . . .

Thing I'm thankful for: Sunday naps


Anonymous Kevin said...

I heard a sermon on this that was totally different from what I understood previously. It's apparently helpful to think of it in the context of a Jewish wedding from that time: Before a couple was going to get married, the guy would tell his fiancé that he was going to go expand his father's house so there was room for them, he would go work on the construction, then he would come back, they would get married, and they would move into the house (is my understanding). Good stuff!

7:03 AM  

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